Online Store with Paypal Payment Module

PROJECT DETAILS: This project is built up to understand the logic behind development of e-commerce website with PAYPAL payment module Integration.


Normal scenario client need to register himself, then he can login and then smoothly perform cart operations like add, update & delete products to the cart & finally can checkout and do payment. If client has not logged in, then also he will be able to add products to the cart, and he can perform update & delete products operations to the cart too. at the time of checkout he will be asked for login.and then he will be able to do payment. [in this case we have passed all the products which are added into cart are passed from action.php page to login_form.php,here we set all products in cookies, after login we will compare these cookie products item to the stored database item and then we will proceed ahead(view code from Github)]. client can view products according to brand and categories, he can do search for the products too. pagination is included. after payment client will be redirected to his account and he will get order confirmation or cancellation message in his account. client will have order summery too in his account.

NOTES: Admin portion is not included. Not too much focus on the look & responsiveness of the website, still it is Highly responsive. PAYPAL payment module is integrated. From Github code, inside project folder go through PAYMENT MODULE INTEGRATION FILE, you will find the PAYPAL SANBOX TEST ACCOUNT of client and owner. you can use this account to test the payment module.

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